10 Best WordPress GDPR & Cookie Notice Plugins 2025

One of my clients told me to find a WordPress cookie notice popup plugin for his website. But I never thought it would be so difficult for me. I spent last week on Google for getting a better WordPress cookie consent solution. Not only for him but also for my affiliate niche sites.

Because Google’s search algorithms are updated and we just need to maintain all rules and policies to stay in the competition. We just need to make our website easier to use for users.

Every web browser track, personalize, and save information from a user and it’s called a browser cookie. Sometimes users don’t want to save their personal data to the browser. That’s why we need to create a user-friendly cookie policy for our website. But not so easy task for general people who have no better experience with it.

If your website is built on WordPress then you can do such a difficult thing with just a few simple clicks. In this article, I’m going to share some best WordPress cookie notice plugins with GDPR and CCPA ready.

Best Cookie Notice Plugin

No more confusion about adding cookie notice popups to your website.

The following WordPress plugins will give you the right way for notifying the audience about your website cookie policy. Just check these out, and find the best one for your requirements.

Gdpr Cookie Consent

The GDPR Cookie Consent is one of the popular WordPress plugins to manage your website cookies. It will help you to make your website GDR-compliant in a simple way. It also supports cookie compliance in accordance with CCPA which is a state statute intended to enhance privacy rights and consumer protection for residents of California.

Main Features:

  • Enable a notice with Yes and No options.
  • No Rendering.
  • Easy admin sections to manage cookie details and descriptions
  • Fully customizable to look just like your own website’s style: customize the colors, styles, and fonts
  • Multi-options to put the cookie bar
  • “Cookie Audit” shortcode to construct a nicely-styled ‘Privacy & Cookie Policy
  • WPML compatible
Complianz – Gdpr Ccpa Cookie Consent

Complianz is yet another cookie consent WordPress plugin with GDPR, DSGVO, CCPA, and PIPEDA ready. You can add conditional cookie notice and customized cookie policy based on the results of the built-in Cookie Scan.

Main Features:

  • Simply display a cookie notice globally.
  • Configure cookie notices for specific regions.
  • Fully customizable design
  • Ready Banner Templates
  • Integrates seamlessly with popular WordPress plugins
  • Gutenberg Blocks enabled.
Cookie Notice For Gdpr Ccpa

Cookie Notice plugin allows you to easily inform visitors that your site uses cookies and helps you comply with the EU GDPR cookie law and CCPA regulations.

Main Features:

  • Simply Add a Cookie Message
  • Multiple cookie expiry options
  • Redirect users to a specific page
  • Add Privacy Policy page (Button or Anchor-link)
  • Multi-Options to accept cookie
  • Multi positions for container and privacy link.
  • SEO and User friendly
  • Fully customizable design

4. WP AutoTerms

Wp Autoterms Ss

WP AutoTerms mainly works for creating WordPress legal pages, such as a Privacy Policy, a Terms & Conditions, or a Cookies Policy. It also helps you add cookie notice banners on your WordPress website.

Gdpr Cookie Compliance

GDPR Cookie Compliance WordPress plugin can assist you with GDPR, PIPEDA, CCPA, LGPD, AAP, cookie law and consent notice requirements on your website.

Main Features:

  • Fully customizable – upload your own logo, colors, fonts, etc.
  • Fully editable (change all text)
  • Multi-positions for Cookie Consent Banner.
  • Includes both ‘Accept’ and ‘Reject’ buttons
  • Includes link to Privacy Policy page
  • Responsive design
  • SEO friendly
  • Optimized for WCAG/ADA compliance
Cookie And Consent Solution

Cookie and Consent solution is one of the powerful WordPress plugins that help to make your website GDPR and ePrivacy compliant. This plugin gives you a way to automate the implementation of ePrivacy (Cookie Law) and GDPR requirements. It will allow to add of a fully customizable cookie banner, blocking scripts, and managing all aspects of cookie consent.

It also allows you to record, review, and maintain complicated GDPR records of consent for your web forms.

Eu Cookie Law For Gdpr Ccpa

EU Cookie Law is a simple, elegant, and powerful WordPress plugin to comply with the European cookie law, GDPR, and CCPA, with a popup and options to lock scripts before acceptance.

It has so many features included along with customization to perfectly fit your website and keep cookies under control (before and after the consent).

8. Cookiebot

Cookiebot Gdpr Ccpa Compliant

Cookiebot WordPress plugin is a cloud-driven solution that automatically controls cookies and trackers, enabling full GDPR/ePR and CCPA compliance. It has so many features included which will help you to add a cookie consent banner, and also manage and control GDPR/CCPA compliance.


Screenshot Gdpr

This WordPress plugin is good to assist a Controller, Data Processor, and Data Protection Officer (DPO) with efforts to meet the obligations and rights enacted under the GDPR.

Also, GDPR helps you to display that cookie notice with a simple and elegant banner.

10. WP GDPR Compliance

Wp Gdpr Compliance

WP GDPR Compliance plugin helps to comply with European privacy regulations. Add cookie consent with a simple banner and give your visitors full control of it.

If you didn’t like the other WordPress cookie consent plugins then use this one. Because this plugin does not give you the guarantee of fully complying with GDPR.


I tried my best to create this comprehensive list of WordPress cookie notice plugins. Hope you’ve found a better WordPress cookie consent solution for your website. We’ll find the value of our writing from your simple share. So don’t forget to share it if found this useful for you and others.

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Written by Ataul Ghani