Why Redheads Have More Fun and Better for Stylish Outlook?

Blonde, brunette, black or redhead? We all remember the commercial when a guy is asked that question and the response was “yes”,  meaning anyone will do. But being a brunette guy my entire life, I can honestly say after talking to thousands of women using red henna hair dye, that redheads indeed do have more fun. Contradiction to infatuations, the one rare color to see on a woman is natural red.

People associate redheads or “gingers” to Irish, Scottish or Scandinavian. Pale skin, freckles and red hair, oh my! The fact is recent DNA test is discovering red headed people originally came from central Asia.

The world population has less than 2% redheads. This leaves a lot of mystery as to why Scotland, Ireland and Wales have a population of over 10% red headed men and women. Natural blond hair has about the same percentage world wide, with only about 5% in the U.S.


Red Hair Promotes Mystery, Power and Sexuality

What does red hair symbolize?  In much literature, redheads symbolized  negative connotations, for example bad attitudes, tempers and even an equality to witchcraft. Bette Midler in Hocus Pocus is a prime example of a red headed witch that carried the gene of pure wickedness.

In the real 17th century, the Celts believed red hair contributed to power and strength. If you go back even further, the Latin writings from the 13th century claimed the blood of a red head could turn copper to gold, however at that time you certainly did not want to associate yourself with Wicca, witchcraft or spells, as it would certainly lead to death by hanging, or worse by fire.

Luckily those days are long gone and Wicca is practiced around the world and no one is hung over the idea, more often laughed at the thought. To this day in Scotland it is still considered bad luck if you see a ginger the day you go fishing.

So with that said things have definitely changed for the better in today’s society, especially with actors and actresses like Christina Hendricks, Damian Lewis, Emma Stone, David Caruso – WHEW! The list goes on and on, it is a long one!

And Sorry, because I would never catch a fish after watching Amber Heard in the new movie Aquaman (naturally a blond), I was blown away with her red hair! Gorgeous! The transformation was nothing short of a supercharged sexy red head that can kick some serious ass all at the same time!  Regardless you get the point, some of Hollywood’s greatest stars are ginger men or women.

Lets keep mind only so many of us can be stars on the silver screen, however you can be the center of attention in your circle of friends just by going redhead. Talking to customers over the years I can absolutely say hands down the ones that dared to go to cross the line had the same story in common. “I have never had so much attention in my life! My husband loves it, my boyfriend loves it, I get compliments everywhere I go!”

While we do have a lot of customers write us letters or send emails telling us how happy they are with their new found natural hair dye either with light brown, dark brown or even black, none have said what the redheads have to say. Some have even said the attention was overwhelming and sometimes has led to arguments with the other half.

Ginger Hair Brings Out Naughty

Red hair brings out and represents sexuality, mischief, mystery and uniqueness. Sure you might have been called names like “carrot top” or “ginger” as a child, but who wasn’t called something at some time? So we grow up and grow out of it and then one day you realize you can use it to your benefit! After all redheads are extremely unique and rare.

Ginger Hair Brings Out Naughty

If you are reading this and thinking, I am not a redhead, not even close, then you might want to think again. By using natural red hair dye (we are talking pure henna, not the chemical big box kind) you to can become a ginger. Even better if you have lots of gray or light colored hair. Forget the light skin tones and blue eyes, let’s face it, even Stacey Farber with dark toned skin and brown eyes is electric with her natural red hair. While it is rare for men to change hair color, it is certainly possible as well to go from gray or brown and become a redhead.

Redhead men cannot pull it off as well as the women, however we certainly have men customers who have done so and look smashing!  Also the great thing about henna hair dye is it is herbal hair dye. Your hair feels happy after using it. There is no other natural dye to compare to henna. If you do not carry the mc1r gene, don’t panic, just grab some henna and apply to your hair.

If you hate the outcome you can go over with indigo powder and poof you have black hair. Some call it black henna hair dye, however indigo is also a natural plant like henna. You can also mix the two and get brown hair. Pure henna is also extremely easy to apply. It takes less time and is easily touched up by applying in the shower and used as a shampoo. It only takes minutes for the hair with henna in it to turn red, especially if you are using premium henna like Harvest Moon henna hair dye.

All you need is water, no essential oils, no lemon, no letting it set out overnight or strange prep. This is another reason red headed women have more fun, there hair is super easy to maintain and gives them more time to do the things they like. If you are blond chances are you will look fabulous as a redhead.

How To Become A Redhead Naturally?

If you are not a redhead, you can become one very easily using henna hair dye. Henna is the safest natural hair dye on the planet that is actually good for your hair!

Pure henna hair dye not only strengthens your hair, it also protects it from harmful UV rays. It creates a barrier over the hair shaft while at the same time allowing it to breath. You hair will grow faster, healthier and thicker. Brands like Harvest Moon and EarthDye add natural herbs that have been a proven conditioner for hundreds of years. It looks natural and will make you stand out in the crowd.

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Written by Editorial Staff