5 Things to Do After Publishing New Post in Your Blog

As a blogger, everyone would prefer to write blog posts regularly. Such as we do to keep our platform updated frequently.

But do you think that you are done after publishing new post in your blog? I think, you are not because still there have a lot of things to do after publishing a new blog post. I’m asking you a question, what is the reason you are writing blog for? Well, the appropriate answer is, you’re writing blog posts to share knowledge with your readers. It’s the common reason for other blogger too.

Do you think that you will get traffic automatically? No, because you need sources to get readers. Except popular blogging platforms, I am sure that you will not get traffic automatically. However you are blogging for money or visitors, without the flow of traffic all efforts will be wasted.

Though you have written an awesome informative blog post, without these things it will be worthless. This is a form of SEO but everyone could do without deep knowledge of it. So, lets get to the top 5 things that we should do after writing and publishing a new blog post.

Things to Do After Publishing New Post

Things to Do After Publishing New Blog Post

There are many things that we could do but all are not very necessary at all. Here are the 5 working areas that you should use after publishing your new blog post:

1. Revise Your Writing From The View Of A Reader

As your written blog post is especially for readers, you better revise it to check grammatical errors, missing topic etc. Your blog post will be no longer high quality if there are grammatical errors or unfinished topic. So, read the whole blog post as if you are a reader. After reading if you think that you have learned the required information, you are well done.

2. Make Sensational Social Shares

As you know social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google+ are great sources of blog traffic. In a view to capturing the attention of all these sites are crying needs of all. After publishing a very new blog post, we have to copy the link or URL of it and share it on social sites. These will get you enough traffic in no time and will also make great social signals.

In the year of 2017, social signals are more important to the search engines. Getting these signals could ensure chances to rank higher. As there are a huge number of social media sites, you could use all of these if necessary. But my favorite ones are Facebook, Twitter and Google+. In past days, I didn’t like Google+. But now it has more importance rather than all. So, share your new post through your account, friends, groups etc. to get both ranking and social signals.

Also read: Top 20 Free High PR Social Media Sites List

3. Get Internal and External Links

As a part of SEO, internal and external links to the new blog post is really helpful. Because these will promote your link as well as help you in getting good ranking. So, make internal links from your old blog posts to this one. And also do link building to get some external links. For link building, you should check the guides on it. Mention of your post from others mean more traffic and ranking.

4. Promote Your Blog Post Where It is Required

Promotion is the great part of building blog traffic. For that you have to promote the link where it is needed. If someone is exactly looking for your blog post topic to learn something, you should help him with your blog link. Do you have questions where from you could get these type of readers? The best solution is questions and answers sites. There you could find out your required readers. But keep in mind that forcing to have links where it is not necessary is such kind of spam activity.

5. Solve Reader’s Problems Through Commenting

After you have successfully published your blog post, you will start to get comments. I am sure that any of the readers will must have a problem or question. So, participate there to keep the relationship between blogger and reader. Once a reader is completely helped, he will certainly come again to learn or know something new from you.

Are You Following These Things?

Are you already following the checklist after publishing your very new blog post? If yes, you are great. But if not, you better consider doing this. However these steps could take enough time, but the result will be sweeter than ever you didn’t think. So, why are you waiting for? Start writing another blog post and do the promotional things after publishing it for the first time.

Final Thoughts

I just try to follow those things after publishing a new post in blog. I think that always help me to reduce faults and increase traffics. Hope you will also follow my suggested things in your blog. Please share this tips for your blogger friends!

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Written by Ataul Ghani