Do you want to be an expert internet marketer?
You should follow these online marketing blogs and websites. You know there is no limit of learning. Without reading more you never be able to expert in your desire field. You must read and learn more about on it for which skill to cover. In this article I’m sharing some wonderful online marketing blogs that you should read to be an expert internet marketer.
Every single blogger has their own thinking about blogging, digital marketing, social marketing etc. That’s why if you read some different blogs then you will know about it. You can search for a specific topic in Google, there you will get many bloggers shared their own thoughts. So, various digital marketing blogs reading is really important to make you expert internet and digital marketer.
Top Online Marketing Blogs
Most of the online marketing blogs in the industry cover more than one area of online marketing, even though they may be well-experienced for a single field.
Here’s the list of top 57 online marketing blogs and websites you should read regularly. Let’s start reading:
1. HubSpot Blog: HubSpot’s Inbound Marketing blog publishes an average of twelve posts per week on analytics, blogging, email marketing, landing pages, lead generation, paid search, SEO, and social media.
2. Neil Patel: Neil Patel is one of the most popular blogger and online marketer. He’s helping you succeed through blogging, content marketing, conversion rate optimization, landing pages, lead generation, paid search, SEO, and social media.
3. Moz Blog: Moz formerly known as SEOmoz publishes an average of eight posts per week on analytics, blogging, branding, consulting keyword research, link building, management, SEO, and technical SEO issues.
4. Search Engine Land: Search Engine Land publishes an average of 45 posts per week on mobile, paid search, search engine optimization, search engine marketing, and social media.
5. Quick Sprout: Quick Sprout publishes an average of three posts per week on blogging, link building, SEO, A/B testing, entrepreneurship and conversion rate related topics.
6. Unbounce Blog: Unbounce publishes an average of two posts per week on A/B testing, conversion rate optimization, landing pages, lead generation, PPC, and social media.
7. Search Engine Watch: Search Engine Watch publishes an average of of 40 posts on search engine optimization, analytics, social media & PPC.
8. Matt Cutts: Matt Cutts Google publishes an average of one post per month on SEO tips, latest Google updates and insights.
9. Jeff Bullas: Jeff Bullas publishes an average of five posts per week with quality content that generates good conversations on the topic of social media.
10. Search Engine Journal: Search Engine Journal publishes an average of of 27 posts on search engine optimization, analytics, social media & ppc.
11. Marketing Land: MarketingLand publishes an average of 30 posts per week on affiliate marketing, analytics, display advertising, email marketing, mobile, search marketing, and social media.
12: Copyblogger: Copyblogger publishes an average of six posts per week on blogging, content marketing, conversions, copywriting, entrepreneurship, email marketing, Internet marketing, landing pages, productivity, SEO, and social media.
13. TopRank: TopRank publishes an average of five posts per week on blogging, B2B, B2C, content marketing, email marketing, interactive marketing, search engine marketing, SEO, and social media.
14. Marketing Experiments: Marketing Experiments publishes an average of three posts per week on various online marketing topics including analytics, copywriting, email marketing, landing page optimization, lead generation, PPC, SEO, social media, and video.
15. Duct Tape Marketing: Duct Tape Marketing publishes an average of six posts per week on small business marketing topics.
16. Kaiser The Sage: Jason Acidre from Kaiser The Sage publishes an average of two posts per week on SEO, content marketing, social media and link development strategies based on ethical principles.
17. MarketingProfs: MarketingProfs publishes an average of 32 posts per week on search engine marketing, social media marketing & social media marketing.
18. Portent Blog: Portent Blog publishes an average of posts four per week on SEO, PPC, social media, copy writing & analytics.#
19. Impact Branding: Impact Branding Blog publishes an average of 16 – 17 posts per week on social media, SEO, website marketing, lead nurturing, PPC and blogging.
20. Kuno Creative Blog: Kuno Creative Blog publishes an average of seven posts per week on analytics, blogging, content marketing, landing pages, lead generation, paid search, SEO, and social media.
21. Inbound Marketing Agents: Inbound Marketing Agents blog publishes an average of seven posts per week. The content here is written with some serious flair — learn about inbound marketing concepts with a smile on your face!
22. Bluleadz: Bluleadz blog publishes at an average of three posts per week. This blog covers all aspects of inbound marketing — from top-of-the-funnel tactics, to conversion optimization, to nurturing and analytics.
23. Kim Garst: Kim Garst publishes an average of four posts per week and shares useful and practical information that’s easy to read and understand.
24. Marketo Blog: Marketo Blog publishes on an average of 7 – 8 posts per week on SEO, social media, content marketing, lead management, landing page and email marketing.
25. Seth Godin: Seth Godin, the brilliant marketer and a great writer updates his blog at an average of 6 – 7 posts per week and shares entrepreneurial and marketing advice.
26. ClickZ: Clickz publishes an average of 51 posts per week on SEO, social media, email marketing and analytics.
27. Raven Blog: Raven Blog publishes an average of 4 – 5 posts per week on SEO, social media and content marketing.
28. Search Engine Roundtable: Search Engine Roundtable publishes an average of 31 posts per week on all aspects of search engine marketing including focus on Bing, Google, Yahoo, and other search topics.
29. Search Engine People: Search Engine People publishes an average of eleven posts per week on various search and social media marketing topics.
30. Wordtracker Blog: Wordtracker Blog publishes an average of three posts per week on search engine optimization including keyword research, link building, and social media.
31. Vertical Measures: Vertical Measures publishes an average of four posts per week on search engine optimization topics including content marketing, link building, and social media.
32. Built Visible Blog: The Organic Digital Blog publishes an average of one to two posts per week on search engine marketing topics including content strategy, copywriting, keyword research, link building, and social media.
33. Conductor Blog: Conductor Blog publishes an average of 5 posts per week on SEO tips, tricks and case studies.
34. SEER Interactive: SEER Interactive publishes an average of one post per week and shares tips, tools and techniques for optimizing websites, running paid search marketing campaigns and analyzing data.
35. Tublar Insights: Tublar Insights publishes an average of thirty posts per week on YouTube marketing & video SEO.
36. SEOBook Blog: SEO Book publishes an average of two to three posts per week on search engine optimization including Google, keyword research, and link building.
37. Google Webmaster Central Blog: Google Webmaster Central Blog comes up with two posts per week on latest Google updates, SEO tips & how to’s.
38. SEO By The Sea: Bill Slawski, from “SEO By The Sea” publishes an average of one post per week on analysis and insights on Search and SEO.
39. Distilled Blog: Distilled publishes an average of 2 – 3 posts per week on SEO, PPC, social media and conversion related articles.
40. Rand Fishkin: Rand Fishkin’s personal blog, infrequent but great updates on SEO, social media, data and marketing.
41. Amy Porterfeild: Amy Porterfeild publishes an average of one post every other week on social media including Facebook, Pinterset, and blogging.
42. The Backlinko SEO Blog: The Backlinko SEO by Brian Dean an average of 5 posts on SEO and link building.
43. ProBlogger: ProBlogger publishes an average of eleven posts per week on important topics for bloggers including AdSense, advertising, affiliate programs, blogging tools, business blogging, search engine optimization, and writing.
44. Basic Blogging Tips: Ms. Ileane Smith from “Basic Blogging Tips” publishes an average of 3 -4 posts per week on blogging, social media and YouTube video tutorials.
45. Blog Marketing Academy: David Risley from “Blog Marketing Academy” publishes an average of three posts per week on online business, blogging and marketing tips.
46. The Smart Passive Income Blog: Pat Flynn from “Smart Passive Income” an average of three posts per week and covers online business, blogging and marketing tips for a lifetime of passive income.
47. Social Media Examiner: Social Media Examiner publishes an average of six posts per week on all things social including case studies, expert interviews, how to, research, reviews, tools, and videos.
48. Social Media Today: Social Media Today publishes an average of 175 posts per week on social media, content marketing, blogging, SEO, PPC.
49. MeetEdgar Blog: Meet Edgar Blog publishes an average of 3 – 4 posts per week on social media.
50. Convince and Convert: Convince and Convert by Jay Baer publishes an average of four posts per week on various social media topics including blogging, branding, crowdsourcing, digital media, Ecommerce, and social media ROI.
51. Heidi Cohen: Heidi Cohen consistently publishes an average of five posts per week focused on blogging and social media.
52. Social Samosa: Social Samosa focuses on social media in India. The blog publishes an average of 37 posts per week on social media tips, case studies and campaign reviews.
53. Sprout Social: Sprout Social publishes an average of 24 posts per week on social media topics including specific social networks and social marketing strategies.
54. Adweek: Adweek publishes an average of 30 posts per week on social media marketing and social network news.
55. Maximize Social Business: ”Maximize Social Business” by Neal Schaffer publishes an average of five posts per week on social media including Facebook, LinkedIn, personal branding, and social media outsourcing.
56. Social Media Explorer: This blog, from Jason Falls, provides excellent perspective on the current state of social media and publishes an average of six posts per week.
57. Spin Sucks: Gini Dietrich’s blog takes a look at social media from a PR perspective. The blog publishes eleven posts per week.
I know that you’ve no free time to read all of those internet marketing blogs at once. But you can bookmark the specific blog links you want to explore. Please share this article with your social friends!