7 Niche Site Pro Tactics to Earn $1500+ Per Month (Real Secrets)

Online is really a magical and crazy place where you can do anything. So many people making money through online and many of them are losing their money.

Niche blogging is one of the most used and popular way to make money online. Unlike what most people think, building a niche site that brings in $500 to $10k on a monthly basis is not that a big task. Anybody can do it provided you are willing and committed to doing what the 99% of people are not willing to do.

There are limitless options of what you can do with niche site. As a matter of fact, many people selling their niche websites at Flippa for huge earnings. Also there are so many marketplace where you can sell your niche sites with good price.

If you can build a single site that brings in an average of $500 monthly, what stops you from build 2 more of such site to earn a total of $1500 monthly? It all depends on you, how far you are willing to go.

Niche Site Pro Tactics

Niche Site Pro Tactics to Make Money:

Here’s the 7 pro tactics to earn $500 – $1500 per month from your niche site. If you follow these ultimate tricks then you will be a successful niche blogger. Let’s start with relax mode:

1. Keyword Research

As you might have known by now, the very first step in building a niche site is to decide on the topic you want to build a blog on and then dive in to analyze different key phrases that you will want your blog to rank for.

This is a very important phase that must be carefully implemented if you really want to get your blog ranked and make money from it because, this step will guarantee the success or failure of the site you’re building. Here, you need to pick keywords that you are sure you will be able to rank considering your available resources.

So for example let’s say you like cooking and want to build a blog that focuses on Best cooker sets, then your niche will be “Home Improvement & Kitchen” while the keyword you will be working smart on to get your blog ranked for will be “best cooker sets”.

2. Preparing Contents for Blog Niche

Now that you are armed with a niche and a keyword for your new blog, it’s time to start writing contents (articles) for your new blog. Usually, I like to start a new blog with a minimum of 10 prewritten articles. You will need to write 4 secondary articles of 1000 words minimum and 1 primary article of 1500 words minimum.

The 4 secondary articles should be written and optimized for other secondary keywords (e.g. best stainless steel cookware, cast iron cooker advantages etc.) you have researched while the primary article should only be optimized for your primary keyword (best cooker sets). Be sure to include the keyword in the title of the article, introduction paragraph and in the ending paragraph within the article.

3. Choose a Domain and Hosting

Once you have your article ready, it’s time to purchase a domain and hosting account for your blog. There are many options where you can buy your domain and hosting including GoDaddy for domain and Bluehost for hosting.

When buying domain for your blog, avoid going for the EMDs (exact match domains) i.e, with our “best cooker sets” keyword, buying a www.bestcookers.com domain is what is referred to as EMD and it’s something you should not indulge in. instead choose branded domains like cookingblog.com. This is because Google now flown at EMD domains and going for such can easily get you penalized.

4. Build a Niche Site

All of this article about making money online from niche websites or blog. With all the above listed steps dully observed, it’s now time to put all the pieces together and get your first niche site up and running. Niche blog setup means actually you need a live website. So you can do it by hiring a freelancer or yourself or here’s the recommended article to setup your niche website in 30 minutes.

Also read: Best CMS Software To Build Niche Sites

5. Publish Articles / Content

In this step you should write some article related with your niche keywords. Publish your primary article as a page and click on settings, then the reading option and click the static option then from the drop down menu, select the primary article you have just published to be your home and static page. Doing this will allow Google to rank your site base on the primary keyword which your primary article was optimized for.

Now publish the remaining 4 secondary articles you had written earlier as post and not pages and make sure to link each to the home page with different anchor text. Also include at least one relevant image per post to make your site beautiful and engaging.

6. Submit to Search Engine

If you have come this far then congratulation on getting your first niche site up and running. It’s time to move on to phase 2 in the niche site building process. At this stage, you should leave your blog for a couple of days to get indexed and possibly rank in Google.

After a day or two, perform a Google search with the naked URL of your blog address and see if it shows up. If it does, then congrats! Your newly created blog has been indexed by the big G. Next, it’s time to start building backlinks and tracking your keyword ranking.

Getting backlinks to your newly created blog is the remaining ingredient needed for your site to rank high in search engines, get traffic and generate commission from sales. And also you should do some social marketing and online marketing for your niche blog. It will rank up your website in search engine.


I think it’s not enough to learn about niche blogging or marketing. Actually there are so many people who’ve shared their own tactics to make money online with niche site. You should read more about it by searching online and get more concepts for your next project. Please share this pro tactics with others and inspire me to write more awesome articles.

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Written by Ataul Ghani