Do you have a WordPress blog and want to add extra features in widgets or sidebars?
In this showcase, we’re sharing an exclusive collection of the most popular WordPress widget plugins for your websites. We know that there are a lot of widget plugins on the internet. Our listed WordPress plugins will help you to unlock your desired options in WordPress.
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Most people want to customize widgets. Also want to add customized posts, images, and category widgets in sidebars. Hope these best WordPress widgets plugins will fix your needs on demand.
Table Of Contents
Best WordPress Widget Plugins
Here’s the complete list of the best WordPress widget plugins that will help to display your information in several ways. Just quickly check out this list and get your desired items.
1. SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle
The SiteOrigin widget bundle gives you a collection of widgets that you can use and customize. All the widgets are built on our powerful framework, giving you advanced forms, unlimited colours and 1500+ icons.
2. Black Studio TinyMCE Widget
Black Studio TinyMCE Widget plugin adds a new Visual Editor widget type that allows you to insert rich text and media objects in your sidebars with no hassle. With this widget, you will be able to edit your widgets in a WYSIWYG manner using the native WordPress TinyMCE editor, just like you do in posts and pages. And if you are a developer you may still switch back and forth from Visual to HTML mode.
3. Recent Posts Widget Extended
Recent Posts Widget Extended plugin will enable a custom, flexible and super advanced recent posts, you can display it via shortcode or widget. Allows you to display a list of the most recent posts with thumbnail, excerpt and post date, also you can display it from all or specific or multiple taxonomy, post type and much more!
4. Category Posts Widget
Category Posts Widget is a light widget designed to do one thing and do it well: display the most recent posts from a certain category.
5. Image Widget
Image Widget is a simple plugin that uses the native WordPress media manager to add image widgets to your site.
Main Features:
- Responsive
- MU Compatible
- Handles image resizing and alignment
- Link the image
- Add title and description
- Customize the look & feel with filter hooks or theme overrides
6. Fixed Widget
Use the Q2W3 Fixed widget plugin to create sticky widgets that stay in the visible screen area when the page is scrolled up or down. Sticky widgets are perceived much better by your visitors than unfixed widgets and therefore have a significantly higher click-through rate. Therefore, this option is especially useful for ads or other items that visitors want to interact with.
7. WordPress Popular Posts
WordPress Popular Posts is a highly customizable widget that displays your most popular posts. You can have several widgets of WordPress Popular Posts on your blog, each with its own settings. List those posts of your blog that have been the most popular ones within a specific time range.
8. WP Tab plugin
WP Tab plugin is the only plugin you need to get the perfect tabs on your blog. We have made it AJAXified, so the content loads only when demanded, and thus it makes the plugin incredibly lightweight. It loads before you could even blink your eyes. If you’re a website owner, you always want your visitors to stay longer on your website. With the WP Tab plugin, you could do it simply.