It’s a great resource of best responsive Joomla education templates. If you’re finding for education Joomla templates then it will be helpful for you. Anyone can build school, college or university websites by using these education joomla templates. All of these Joomla templates are optimized for SEO and mobile view. With amazing edu functionality and responsive features included in these Joomla templates. Discover more about Education Joomla Templates today!
Amazing showcase of best education Joomla templates to develop school and education sites. The collection with most popular joomla templates for educational websites.
Best Joomla Education Templates
Here’s is the comprehensive list of best responsive Joomla education templates for educational websites. Let’s check out the whole collection here..
1. sCoolCourse
sCoolCourse – Educational School & Course Joomla Template is powerful multipurpose template that will help you to build practically school, course, university and any educational site, corporate websites and whatever your mind can dream up!
2. University II
SJ University II – An exclusive Joomla 3.x Template for school/education website with K2 and Kunena component integrated. This stunning template comes with 6 modern color styles: Blue, Cyan, Red, Green, Carot and Violet. The template is fully responsive layout that makes it look nice on any devices and screen resolution. SJ University II is built with many in-house modules on homepage and inner pages, therefore, it comes with dozen of advanced features to fulfill all your requirements.
3. Universh
Universh is a unique HTML5 theme using material design for Material Education, Events, News, Learning Centre & Kid School. Though it is perfect for educational organizations such as University, School, Online Course & Training Center, it?s still flexible enough to be used for business website and creative digital agencies. So we know exactly which features your Learning business should have on the website.
4. Kidzy: Responsive Joomla Template
Kidzy is a beautiful and feature rich template for kindergarten or elementary school sites using Joomla. The template is built on Helix 3 Framework and utilizes SP Page Builder Pro . The title is released as the June template from JoomShaper, the world’s renowned professional Joomla template club.
5. Campus Life
The Campus Life responsive Joomla template is packed with all the features you need to setup any college, university or education style website. The front page includes all the necessary areas that an education site may include and displays them in a clean, well organized fashion. Along with all the front page features, we’ve also added some CSS overrides for the Kunena forum. The Kunena Forum integration can be seen on the “forum” menu item.
6. University
University is a modern design, clean, unique and feature rich responsive joomla template suitable for educational type websites like school, college, university or any kind of Educational websites. This layout specifically for educational institutions, training organizations and include easy to use customization features.
7. Education
Hot Academy is a responsive template and it looks good on all devices, no matter how students and teachers are accessing it: from the office using a portable computer or from the nearby park using tablet or smartphone. In order to attract visitors of the site, you can use any (or all) of modules that are included with template free of charge.
8. Prestige Academy
Prestige Academy is a great responsive Joomla template that can be used for schools, educational sites, as well as others! This template has many great features such as 95 module positions, custom highlight colors, custom font choices, a new onclick menu for small touch screens, social icon integration, and much more!
9. BT Education
BT Education template which is perfect combination between innovative social networks function and original website interface has been released recently. We integrate three popular Joomla components including JomSocial, Kunena and EasyBlog into this template. Therefore, BT Education is one of the best solutions not only education websites but also websites which concentrate on interaction of social networks and communities.
10. Education Joomla Template
This stunning Joomla theme is perfect for colleges and schools to have a dignified, respectable website that’s also packed with modern web-development tricks and social features to provide a informative, contemporary experience for students and staff alike.
11. Kindergarten
This is a funny KinderGarten template filled with graphics and CSS3 animations appropriate for kindergartens and similar subjects that offer baby-sitting services. These could be baby sitting agencies or restaurants for kids and birthday celebrations. This template has an intro page with big image made of vector graphic.