How to Add Users in WordPress Blog (Updated 2025)

Do you want to add users in WordPress blog? Adding users in WordPress allows you to add users with different roles and access privileges to your site. Once created, a user will be able to log in to your site with a username and password. WordPress user roles include site administrator, editor, author, contributor and subscriber. These user roles control the level of site management granted to a user — including the ability to write, edit or publish content on your site. Users with lower access roles will see fewer options in the WordPress Dashboard when they are logged in.

How to Add Users in WordPress Blog

Types of WordPress User Roles

There are four roles that you can assign to people who you want to blog with: Administrator, Editor, Author, and Contributor.

Important: Please be careful of the roles you give users on your site. If you add a user as an administrator, you are granting them full access. This means that she/he will be able to delete pages, posts, plugins, themes, etc.

# Administrator

An administrator has full and complete ownership of a website, and can do absolutely everything. This person has complete power over posts/pages, comments, settings, themes, plugins, import, users – everything. Nothing is off-limits, including deleting everything.

# Editor

An editor can view, edit, publish, and delete any posts/pages, moderate comments, manage categories, manage tags, manage links and upload files/images.

# Author

An author can edit, publish and delete their posts, as well as upload files/images.

# Contributor

A contributor can edit their posts but cannot publish them. When a contributor creates a post, it will need to be submitted to an administrator for review. Once a contributor’s post is approved by an administrator and published, however, it may no longer be edited by the contributor.

A contributor does not have the ability to upload files/images.

# Subscriber

In your comment settings, if you’ve selected “Users must be registered and logged in to comment”, once they have created an account, they will be given subscriber role. Subscribers only have the ability to leave comments.

Add Users in WordPress Blog

  • To add a new user to your WordPress site, log in to your WordPress site and click to expand the Users menu.
  • Click the Add New link located in the Users menu.
  • Enter the username, email address, first name, last name, website, and password for the user.
  • If this user is brand new, it’s a good idea to select to send this password to the new user by email.
  • Next, select the subscriber role for the user.
  • To see a basic overview of WordPress user roles, click the Help tab at the top of the screen. Here you’ll see details for how user roles relate to site privileges, so you’ll be able to decide which level of access to grant to your new user.

Changing User Roles

As an Administrator of a site, you can change other users’ roles by following the steps below.

  1. Head to Users → All Users in your WordPress admin.
  2. Check the box(es) next to user avatar(s).
  3. Using Change role to… dropdown menu, select the new user role(s) you want to assign.
  4. Click Change.

Final Words,

I’ve tried to explain details about adding new users in WordPress, Changing roles of users in WordPress. if you’ve any problem with this then ask me. Hope you enjoyed this tutorial. Don’t forget to share with your friends by hitting on social buttons!

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Written by Ataul Ghani