How to Add Title Meta Tag in Blogger Template?

Most of the beginners don’t know about the importance of title meta tag in blogger website. It’s so effective for SEO performance and let the Google specify about your blog.

You know blogger admin option does not allow to add any custom title meta tag to your blog posts. But no worries, still you have the way to add title meta tags by adding some codes. In this short blogger tutorial I’m talking about how to add meta tag in blogger templates. Just follow the instructions what I’ve shared in this post.

A web browser never shows the title meta tags but search engine robots will read your meta title tags. It will help you to increase search rank of your web pages.

Add Title Tags

Add Title Meta Tag in Blogger Template

I always suggest to take a backup your template files before make changes. It’s really important for inexperienced guys.

Let’s start here:

  • Sign in to Blogger account.
  • Got to your desire blog dashboard.
  • Click on “Design” Tab.
  • Now click on “Edit HTML” at the top corner.
  • Click the “Expand Widget Templates” check box.
  • Find the following codes.
<b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>
  • Now replace that codes with following codes.

  • Now add your own blog home page description and keywords.
  • Save the changes & you’re done! Blog meta data updated globally.

Additionally, Want to change default post title meta?

Make sure in which blog post you want to add meta title tag then open in browser. And don’t forget to keep it open.

  • Go to Blogger Dashboard > Design > Edit Html
  • Find the “<head>” tag in your blog template.
  • Past the following codes right after the <head> tag.
<b:if cond='data:blog.url == ""'>
<meta content='TITLE' name='title'/>
  • Replace the “” with your own blog post URL and Also replace the capitalized word “TITLE” with desire custom title.
  • Click the “Save Template” button.

Note: You can add more custom titles for blog posts by repeating those codes but one thing you should know that “</b:if>” will be appear once after all custom title.

See the example to add more than one custom title:

<b:if cond='data:blog.url == ""'>
<meta content='TITLE 1' name='title'/>
<b:if cond='data:blog.url == ""'>
<meta content='TITLE 2' name='title'/>

Final Thoughts

I hope you’re able to understand what I’ve explained to you. It’s really a simple thing you can do by yourself. Let’s try to add the custom meta title tag in your blogger template. If you’ve any issue then let me know. And don’t forget to share this valued tricks with others.

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Written by Ataul Ghani