The Top 5 Reasons Whistleblowing Is Vital

If you’ve ever watched a thrilling action film, you might already have some idea of just how helpful an anonymous tip-off can be in bringing down the bad guy. 

Even though real-life whistleblowing is quite different from the films because you won’t need to put on an elaborate disguise to contact the authorities from a pay phone located in an odd area, whistleblowing is just as crucial in real life. 

Most businesses have a whistleblowing policy to encourage employees to file anonymous tips that often provide critical information. 

And if you’re wondering why whistleblowing is crucial, we’ve listed the top five reasons you should hand over important information to your business or an employment lawyer. 


Most Corporate Fraud Is Detected By Whistleblower Tips

Corporate fraud doesn’t just impact the business; it also impacts all employees negatively. Moreover, because the vast majority of corporate fraud is detected through whistleblower information, you’ll be doing an honorable moral justice to everyone by blowing the whistle on fraudulent activity within your business. 

Fraud Costs Taxpayers Billions Every Year

Fraud also negatively impacts taxpayers; it costs taxpayers billions of dollars every year. Without whistleblower tips, syphoned funding would be lost to those who partake in fraudulent activity. 

When whistleblowers report fraud, they do a service for their business and the general public. 

Reporting Fraud Through Company Protocols Is Not Always Best

Even though many businesses have whistleblower protocols and policies in place to protect identity, it’s not always viable to hand over sensitive information this way. 

Unfortunately, there are times when whistleblowers must identify fraudulent activity conducted by employees in power positions or even the boss. If you have considered blowing the whistle on your employer, you already know the risks involved when following company whistleblowing protocols. 

Instead, you can consult an experienced employment lawyer to blow the whistle on crime in a way that will protect your best interests and the future of your career.

Those On the Inside Provide The Best Vantage Point

More often than not, individuals closest to the crime have the best and most accurate insight. With this, whistleblowers often have critical information that cannot be uncovered through even the most thorough investigations. 

So, if you feel your information is not beneficial because your company or the individual is already being investigated by authorities, you’re wrong. Hand over the information you have because it might be the last piece of the puzzle authorities need. 

Help Justice Reach Places It Wouldn’t Otherwise

The final reason whistleblower tips and information is crucial to businesses and the general public is that this information encourages justice to reach places it probably wouldn’t otherwise. 

As a whistleblower, you’ll help shed light on illicit activity that might never be noticed by the authorities. 

Fraud is a serious crime, and it negatively impacts everyone. Instead of overlooking wrongdoing within your business, consult an employment lawyer as soon as possible to lend a hand in abolishing acts of fraud. You really will be doing an honorable and moral service to everyone. Just as calling out discrimination and harassment within your workplace is the only way to put an end to toxic work culture, the only way to end corporate fraud is to use the available channels to shed light on the situation. 

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Written by Editorial Staff